Why I'll (Probably) Never Have Plastic Surgery
I won't lie; there was a time when I thought it would be fun to have bigger breasts. I even flirted with the idea of getting them done for a little while. Then I saw some show on MTV that documented a girl undergoing the procedure and I was scared straight. (Read: horrified.)

The girl, who was about 22, had many hopes and dreams all pinned on her soon-to-be-large breasts; they'd complete her life by finally making her happy with her body, they'd fulfill her by finally having men stand up and notice her. Then she came out of the surgery and was in such agony -- for so many weeks -- that she wished she'd never gone through with it. She cried, moaned, laid around a lot and it was more than a little hard to watch -- much less live.

Then you hear the stories of women who become so obsessed with "perfecting" their faces and bodies that they become addicted to plastic surgery. Just look at Heidi Montag -- had her surgeon not accidentally plummeted to his death last summer she might very well still be trying to attain that impossible goal -- even though she says she "feels trapped in my own body."

Of course, there are also those tales of patients who die -- either on the table or as a result of too many surgeries -- and for what? Because they wanted a cute button nose or a flat stomach? How do their kids handle that news (and what kind of lesson does that teach)?

Don't get me wrong, there are lots of things about myself that I'd like to fix up -- especially as the years continue to fly by. My eyelids are droopy, (as are my breasts -- which I realize now were fabulous just the way they were back when I was contemplating the procedure) and, my stomach is nowhere near as taut as it was pre-childbirth. But as much as I may fanaticize about consulting with some "board certified" surgeon, I just can't imagine actually doing it. I'm a big chicken. And I don't want to orphan my kids.

Will I change my mind as my body gets more and more decrepit? Maybe. Do I pass judgment on others who get things done? Nah. I'm just jealous.

How about you? If money were no object, would you sign up to have a procedure done? Or are you just going to (struggle) to age gracefully? That's my plan of attack these days and with great products like Olay Pro-X Wrinkle Smoothing Cream, $47.99 that helps to undo all the damage I inflicted on my skin and Laura Mercier Eyedration Firming Eye Cream, $40, which helps de-puff and re-plump my poor, aging peepers, I like to think that, for now anyway, I'm winning the battle with my face. And, for the old, gravity-weary bod, there's some hope thanks to Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Advanced Anti-Aging Body Wash, $7.99 and Shiseido Body Creator Aromatic Firming Cream, $60.
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