How I Wage the War on Adult Acne
Even though my high school years were fraught with other issues, I was a lucky teenager when it came to my skin and I only had to deal with the occasional pimple. Figures that now that I'm in my 30s, acne has become an issue. Turns out I'm not alone though. I took a little poll and my friends have the same complaints. Surprising? Not really. A study by the American Academy of Dermatology revealed that more than half of women between the ages of 25 and 58 deal with some form of acne.


According to my dermatologist, Dr. David Goldberg, the biggest mistake women my age make when dealing with pimples is that we use acne-fighting products intended for teens. When you're older, you need to seek out ingredients that help kill the bacteria that cause the acne while still being gentle on your skin. That's why I've been using Olay Professional Pro-X Clear Acne Protocol, $32. It's a three-part protocol that treats acne (and the post-inflammatory pigmentation) while being soothing and gentle on my (ahem) older skin. Here's the process:

1. Start with the cleanser: It contains salicylic acid, to help kill the bacteria that form acne.
2. Next up is a leave-on skin clearing treatment that's also made with salicylic acid. This prevents more pimples from forming.
3. Last step is a hydrating lotion. Contrary to popular belief, it's important to hydrate acne-prone skin, otherwise it will pump out more oil to hydrate itself -- creating even more blemishes.

Happily, after just a few weeks of using this kit my skin is clear. (HINT: You can also use it on your chest or back if, like me, too much sunscreen or sweat causes breakouts.)

Something else that helps to keep skin blemish-free is being vigilant about washing your makeup brushes. The dirt and bacteria that builds up up in them can clog your pores something fierce, so I make sure to soak brushes in a mixture of shampoo and water at least once a week.
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