How I Handle Winter Beauty Bummers
From chapped lips to dry hands, here are my secrets to avoiding cold weather woes:

Winter Beauty Bummer No. 1: Moisturizer Stops Working
Skin needs more moisture in the winter because of the dry air and lack of humidity. But here's the rub: It's harder for your lotion to seep into your skin and do its job come wintertime, because dead skin cells tend to build up and block your lotion from penetrating. To the rescue: A moisturizer enhancing serum, which helps pump up the powers of your plain old moisturizer. I like DDF Amplifying Elixer, $70. It's so simple to use -- just apply a drop to your face and body before you use your regular lotion.

You can also use an exfoliating brush that helps get rid of dead skin cells. I like to leave the Olay Professional ProX Advanced Cleansing System, $30, in my shower. This way I remember to use it every day. It helps keep my skin soft all winter. Winter Beauty Bummer No. 2: Hat Head
Hats are a must for staying warm in the winter, but the frizz caused by that cute ski cap rubbing against your hair isn't the look you were going for. Instead of sacrificing warmth for style and braving the great outdoors without a hat, spray a little dry shampoo inside before putting it on. When you take it off, spray some hairspray on your fingers and run them through your hair, starting at your hairline. It'll help tame those little flyways.

Winter Beauty Bummer No. 3: Chapped Hands
Texting with gloves on is next to impossible -- and taking your gloves off worsens already dry, chapped hands and cuticles. The solution? Use a glove designed for texting. I just discovered Echo Touch Gloves at Bloomingdales. They have a sensor built into the fingertips so you can text without going bare handed (thank you, modern technology!). I also still layer on a lotion like Olay Luscious Embrace Lotion, $9, before going to bed every night to add some much-needed hydration.

Oh, and to tame the one beauty bummer that spans every season -- frizzy hair -- here is my never-fails, frizz-fighting secret.
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