How I Conquer Summer Beauty Bummers
Are you as hot as I am? OK, OK, there's a good punch line in there somewhere but honestly, I'm in Indianapolis right now and this heat is beyond brutal. It's a good thing that I know a few "beat the heat secrets" (that I'm willing to share) or I'd be showing up for meetings and TV appearances looking less-than-lovely -- not a good career move for a beauty editor.

The three summer beauty bummers that bug me most? Redness, puffiness, and dry, frizzy hair. And, here, as promised, is how to steer well clear of 'em...

Neutralize Redness: Instead of your usual warm bubble bath, try a cool one with a soothing soak (like Aveda Caribbean Therapy Bath Soak, $35). It'll help restrict blood vessels and reduce the appearance of flushing that can come from being overheated. Don't have time for a bath? Apply a cool compress (soak a washcloth in ice water) to your face before applying moisturizer or sunscreen.

Reduce Puffiness: This one's an oldie but a goodie: Stash products like eye cream, foot cream, and night cream in your fridge. The coolness helps to deflate those puffy bags and swelling. And, for a little extra relief, I also keep some of my favorite fragrances and a toner on ice, too. (Toner may not be a necessary product for everyone, but, in summertime, I think it's a welcome oasis of coooool.)

Beat the Frizz: My best trick for taming that pesky frizz "halo" that haunts so many when the temperature soars is to pull my hair back. I know, it sounds like the biggest no-brainer ever. But my trick is to wash my hair, apply a leave-in mask (try Pantene Pro-V Restore Beautiful Lengths Replenishing Mask, $4.99), and then slick it back in a low bun. Not only do I feel cooler when I don't have my long hair on my neck, but the sun helps the mask seep further into my hair follicles so it penetrates better to help reverse the dryness and frizz. Smart, right?

What are your best beat-the-heat tips? I'd love to hear them. And, if you're looking for hot weather hairstyle tips, watch this new Total Look video.
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