The Three Beauty Items I Think are a Waste of Money
Even as beauty-a-holics, we need to ask ourselves whether we really need every single product out there. I can't believe I am actually saying this, but the answer is a resounding no. You can survive (and not have your skin suffer) without buying some products that are often considered "basics" mostly because other "must-have" products do the same job. (And also because it turns out some of those products we're told are so crucial are really just more hype than hope.) Here are three products you can pass on -- unless you want to buy them just for fun.

Toner: If you have really oily skin, this advice doesn't apply. But for most of us, toners are an unnecessary second step in the cleanse-tone-moisturize process. They can dry out skin, causing the oil glands to pump out more oil -- resulting in a greasy look and even breakouts. (If only the saleslady filled us in on that.) Stick to a simple routine of cleansing and moisturizing and you'll be fine.

Eye cream: Chances are high that your night cream already contains anti-aging ingredients like peptides, retinol, and vitamin C, so it can also be used on the skin underneath your eyes. The exception is if you have sensitive skin or really puffy under-eyes. In that case, buy a separate eye cream, which won't cause irritation or contribute to extra puffiness.

Cellulite cream: Newsflash: Cellulite creams don't actually get rid of that dimpled cottage cheese look we all loathe. They do intensely moisturize and can temporarily shrink the appearance of cellulite, offering a short-term fix. But these fancy (and expensive!) supposed cellulite fighters are really no different than heavy moisturizers. So save your money and buy a good body lotion instead. (Try Peter Thomas Roth AHA Body Lotion, $25.)

Want to know which makeup items I stretch to save some cash? Read this post.
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