The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 8

    Really liked this

    I actually really liked this foundation. While it does have a pretty light coverage it covers up we'll for me. It has a sheer finish to it which I personally like because it gives me a dewy finish. It's so natural and looks and feels like your not wearing anything. Plus this matched my skin tone perfectley. In love with this foundation.
    beautybynicole | 23 reviews

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  • 13 Worst Foundations

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  • 10

    Best Ever for Olive Skin!!

    For 5 years this has been my favorite foundation - and I've tried many in all price ranges. Light coverage, very natural looking, gives skin a beautiful glow, looks great in photos, perfect for olive skin! FInding a good match has always been hard for me - this is perfect!!! I'm NC 30-35 MAC and I use Sonia Buff or Bamboo or mix them. Never gets cakey, sheer but buildable, has never broken me more Pump packaging doesn't let bacteria enter. Hard plastic container - good for traveling. Great price - $9.99 at Target. My skin has never been my best feature, but now it's great and looks flawless in photos! Skip it if you're looking for heavy coverage. Please try it!
    eve333 | 2 reviews

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  • 2

    Last resort foundation

    I bought this because I lost my foundation and needed something asap. After using three times, my perfectly clear skin has now broken out in some of the most painful pimples and small bumps. I wash my face every morning and a double wash at night to remove all make-up, so this shouldn't be happening. Won't buy again and will probably toss this out once I can head over to the MAC store. I have combination skin with sensitive tendencies.
    ASPIRES84 | 3 reviews

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  • 5


    this is alright. feels light on ur skin & brightens up. not cakey VERY SHEER. if ur looking for coverage this is not it. blend-able.
    SugarScrub13 | 83 reviews

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