The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    People often review these based on how well they soften and moisturize the hands, as well as how long the effects last.
    HazelRudd | 1 reviews

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    This is the best hand cream on the market today. The cream lasts through a hand washing. Your hands feel very very soft, smooth and they stay that way!
    Seaglassgirl | 95 reviews

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  • 8

    great stuff

    feels sooo good! but it really hurts your wallet.
    angstychiquita | 46 reviews

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  • 12 Best and Worst Hand Creams

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  • 10

    Worth the money

    I have been noticing my hands were looking older (from all the dishes I do), so I thought I would try out La Mer's Hand Treatment and it works great. It's not greasy (which most hand creams leave your hands feeling)and you only need to use once or twice a day at the most. Since using I have noticed my hands look much better and much softer.
    Stefoosh | 15 reviews

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  • 10

    very nice

    This hand treatment is expensive, yes, but just think: your face and your hand are the most exposed area of all at all times. Therefore, $70 for hand is going to be worth it. This cream is fast-absorbed and not greasy. It is light and the scent is very attractive. Unlike other hand lotion which needed to be applied many times a day, this one you only need to apply in the morning before going out morend in the evening before sleep. It lasted for me a little over two months so approximately $1 a day. My hands have been very hydrated, smooth, and looking younger. Worth it.
    ilovecosmetics | 29 reviews

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  • 10

    The Ultimate Hand Cream.

    At $70 a tube, I had very high expectations. The scent is almost magical - just what I remembered when sniffing a sample of Creme de La Mer at one of the department store counters. The cream is definitely luxurious, from that smell to the way it feels and instantly smoothes and soothes my hands. A pretty generous amount is needed to cover the hands, rub between the fingers and massage into the morecuticles. The Hand Treatment settled into my skin in a quick minute or so, and my hands were definitely soft and smooth. My hubby even noticed that my hands felt smooth later in the day - something I don’t think he had ever commented on. That, may be worth the $70 alone.
    MakeupSearcher | 112 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  4 of 4 people said helpful

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